International Competitions

The Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Prize is organised by the Barbara Cappochin Foundation, the Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of Padua. It recognises architectural work spotlighting the vital role that architecture plays in the evolution of landscape and has been supported by the UIA since its creation in 2005.


The international jury for the Barbara Cappochin Biennial International Architecture Prize met in Padua, Italy from 18-19 July 2019. It was composed of:

  1. George Pendl, President of the Architects’ Council Europe - ACE (Austria)
  2. Oliver Bastin, President of the Federation of Belgian Architects and UIA representative (Belgium)
  3. Nicola Di Battista, Director in charge of the Magazine “The Architect” of the CNAPPC (Italy)
  4. Carme Pinos, Architect (Spain).


The jury awarded the first prize to Federal School Aspern by Fasch&Fuchs.architekten (Austria). According to the jury, “the lateral elements of the stairs, the transparency of the interior elevation, the system of terraces and roofs accentuate and enhance the continuity between the open space and the built one.” The pedagogical philosophy of the school itself was reflected in a “coherent and functional way” by “the arrangement and overlap of the levels, the permeability of the interior spaces, the continuity between public spaces, teaching spaces and the garden,” giving the building an “inclusive and welcoming character”.

The jury also attributed the following honourable mentions:

  • Bergkapelle Wirmboden (Schnepfau, Austria) by Innauer Matt Architekten
  • Botanical Garden Art Biotop Water Garden (Tochigi, Japan) by Junya Ishigami
  • Brick Cave (Hanoi, Vietnam) by H&P Architects

The winning project received prize of 30,000 Euros and a plaque. The projects distinguished
by honourable mentions received plaques.

For more information, visit

The UIA is a non-governmental organisation recognized by UNESCO as the only architectural union operating at an international level. The UIA offers its expertise as a consultant for international architecture competitions, the likes of which have resulted in The Sydney Opera House (1973), The Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris (1977), the Tokyo International Forum (1997), and the Alexandria Library in Egypt (2002).

