
#5 free tickets for DATUM:KL2020 to be given out through a lucky draw after the survey is completed.

#LAM CPD Point have been applied


Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) is currently conducting a survey on the architectural profession in Malaysia in the current year 2019/ 2020.


The objective of the survey is to acquire data among the PAM Corporate member/ registered architects in Malaysia, either practising or working in various sectors such as academics, graduate, freelance or the retired members for the following purpose:

  • To further understand the makeup of the architectural profession in the country, which will assist PAM in identifying issues surrounding the local architectural practice.
  • To obtain feedback on the Architects (Scale of Minimum Fees) Rules 2010, other services, a salary of architects and others.


This survey will commence from December 2019 to 31 January 2020 and a final report will be published in by PAM.

The data collected will be kept confidentially. However, the result will be make known.

Click here to start survey

BIM Buzz Talk
BIM Buzz Talk

The Grad Fair is responding to the recent PAM Graduate survey which suggests that there is not enough information around on how Graduate Architects are to progress in the period of post-graduation. It is crucial for PAM and Industry players to help provide a platform to help identify positive career direction.

A total of 20 firms will be there for Graduates to approach and enquire about career development, opportunities in the market and also about the firms themselves. Up to 20 participants will also get the chance to be interviewed with every firms in a “Speed Dating” session.

Details are as follows:

Date: 30th November 2019
Time: 8.30AM to 1.00PM
Venue: PAM Centre, Bangsar

Registration is compulsory to attend the event. Please bring the following on the day of the fair;

  1. CV & Resume
  2. Portfolio of works

Register and stand a chance for a round session of ‘Speed-Dating’ Interview by submitting your resume to this link!

Integrity: Probity and Ethics of an Architect


The registration for PAM Professional Practice Forum 12.0 is now open!

This year’s Professional Practice Forum takes a focussed approach on issues affecting the practitioners and the need for probity and ethics. Issues that are taken for granted but will cause the profession to deteriorate if left unchecked.

The inability of practitioners to move forward on difficult issues in today’s sophisticated and crowded business is most evident. Strength in design is only the initial part of the equation when gauged with the total gestation period of a project. This Forum looks at issues that we least acknowledge as our weakness.

The contents of this Forum were chosen by practitioners which they felt should be addressed. Practitioners who are known to be familiar with these worrying issues are gathered for this Forum.

Join us on Saturday, 7 December 2019, at Dewan Presiden, PAM Centre, Jalan Tandok, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.