International Competitions
World Architecture Day 2019: UIA International Poster Competition Winner

9 AUGUST 2019

The International Union of Architects is happy to announce that the winner of the UIA 2019 World Architecture Poster Competition is Huda Gharandouqa (Jordan).
The international jury for the competition, consisting of Sonya Dyakova (Russia/UK), Dana Whabira (Zimbabwe) and Chris Ware (USA), selected Ms Gharandouqa’s design from over 100 submissions from around the globe. Ms. Gharandouqa’s black and white design effectively communicates this year’s theme of affordable housing: “Architecture... housing for all”. Affordable housing is part of the New Urban Agenda as well as Goal Number 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: “to make cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable”.
The jury praised Ms Gharandouqa’s work for its “striking design” and “flowing moiré” imagery that “grabs one’s attention from afar.” Depicting a black and white apartment building with human figures silhouetted in the lighted windows, Ms. Gharandouqa’s modular shapes convey urban life and “a sense of community.”
Huda Gharandouqa studied at The Hashemite University in Jordan, graduating with a degree in Architectural Design. She currently works at the Jordan Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. She believes that the simplest forms create the biggest changes, stating, "given the dire conditions the world is facing, basic shapes and resilient patterns should become the basis for today's architecture and urban development."
On World Architecture Day, 7 October 2019, people all over the world will spotlight architecture through events, exhibits and lectures, and Ms. Gharandouqa’s dramatic winning design will be the unifying visual identity for the programmes and activities organised worldwide.
Barbara Cappochin Biennial International Architecture Prize

The Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Prize is organised by the Barbara Cappochin Foundation, the Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of Padua. It recognises architectural work spotlighting the vital role that architecture plays in the evolution of landscape and has been supported by the UIA since its creation in 2005.
The international jury for the Barbara Cappochin Biennial International Architecture Prize met in Padua, Italy from 18-19 July 2019. It was composed of:
- George Pendl, President of the Architects’ Council Europe - ACE (Austria)
- Oliver Bastin, President of the Federation of Belgian Architects and UIA representative (Belgium)
- Nicola Di Battista, Director in charge of the Magazine “The Architect” of the CNAPPC (Italy)
- Carme Pinos, Architect (Spain).
The jury awarded the first prize to Federal School Aspern by Fasch&Fuchs.architekten (Austria). According to the jury, “the lateral elements of the stairs, the transparency of the interior elevation, the system of terraces and roofs accentuate and enhance the continuity between the open space and the built one.” The pedagogical philosophy of the school itself was reflected in a “coherent and functional way” by “the arrangement and overlap of the levels, the permeability of the interior spaces, the continuity between public spaces, teaching spaces and the garden,” giving the building an “inclusive and welcoming character”.
The jury also attributed the following honourable mentions:
- Bergkapelle Wirmboden (Schnepfau, Austria) by Innauer Matt Architekten
- Botanical Garden Art Biotop Water Garden (Tochigi, Japan) by Junya Ishigami
- Brick Cave (Hanoi, Vietnam) by H&P Architects
The winning project received prize of 30,000 Euros and a plaque. The projects distinguished
by honourable mentions received plaques.
For more information, visit
The UIA is a non-governmental organisation recognized by UNESCO as the only architectural union operating at an international level. The UIA offers its expertise as a consultant for international architecture competitions, the likes of which have resulted in The Sydney Opera House (1973), The Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris (1977), the Tokyo International Forum (1997), and the Alexandria Library in Egypt (2002).
Baku International Architecture Award
The Union of Architects of Azerbaijan is proud to announce that it has begun accepting applications for participation in the Fourth Edition of the Baku International Architecture Award, held with the support of the International Union of Architects
The Award is held every two years by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan and is a significant and authoritative event not only for architects around the world but for the entire cultural community. This year the Award will take place in the framework of the International Architectural Forum on Mass tourism in historic cities to be held on June 7-9, 2019 in Baku In this context, the categories of the Award are changed to reflect the topics of the Forum.
The main goal of the competition is to recognize projects that illustrate the excellent methods of designing and responsible planning for the development of tourism in places of heritage and historic significance.
Participation in such a prestigious event, during which the best works are recognized, will allow architects to demonstrate their high level of creativity and to strengthen their professional authority.
The geography of previous editions covered almost all the continents of the world - from North America to Australia, from Europe to the countries of the African continent. In addition to monetary awards, the winners of the competition also receive the winner's Cup - a symbol of the Baku Award and a Certificate. Their names and works are published in the Award Catalog and are also displayed on the UIA website. The Award jury consists of world-famous architects.
PAM Members are encouraged to participate in the competition. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your creativity to the whole world!
For more information about the competition regulations, please, follow the link:
Renzo Piano – Interview

13 FEB 2019
Renzo Piano © Stefano Goldberg / PUBLIFOTO Genova
Renzo Piano, winner of the 1998 Pritzker Prize and the 2002 UIA Gold Medal (among others), is one of the most prolific architects of our time, with an architectural repertoire that numbers over 50 landmark buildings spread right across the world. Today, he is perhaps best known for his iconic designs of the Georges Pompidou Centre (Paris, France) and The Shard (London, United Kingdom).
Born in 1937 to a family of builders in Genoa, Italy, Piano went on to found the Renzo Piano Building Workshop in 1980, which now has offices in Paris, Genoa and Berlin. He also established the Renzo Piano Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of the architectural profession through educational programs and activities.
But Piano, it seems, is far from slowing down: he recently volunteered his services to his hometown of Genoa, where he is designing a replacement for the Morandi Bridge, which tragically collapsed in August 2018.
The UIA Secretariat caught up with Mr. Piano just before the New Year to talk about the 1970 UIA-endorsed competition that marked a milestone in his early career: The Georges Pompidou Centre.
What attracted you to the competition for the Georges Pompidou Centre?
There was an idea in the competition brief that Richard [Rogers] and I found particularly interesting: the creation of a “house of culture”. André Malraux, culture minister from 1959-1969, came up with the idea of establishing a “house of culture” in every French city; a place where the different disciplines could intertwine, from music to literature to art. We liked that idea.
The other thing about this competition was the chairman of the jury, Jean Prouvé: my idol! Prouvé served as a great example to me, not just because of his talent for designing buildings, but also because of the ethics of his architecture, manifest mostly in his work with Abbé Pierre. He was an icon!
How did you feel when you won the competition?
Imagine: you're 34-years-old, you've done a bit of work, but mostly small contracts, and somebody gives you the opportunity to build the Georges Pompidou Centre: How do you feel? Very surprised! We never expected to win - I mean, there were 681 entries!
What impact did this competition have on your career?
It had a huge impact: it gave us self-confidence and the courage to fight for our ideas. When we won that competition, we were projected into a new dimension. Up until then, we were small fry! Then suddenly we found ourselves working with big construction companies, and those kinds of companies are always telling you “impossible, Mr. Piano, impossible”! But our experience with the Georges Pompidou Centre taught us how to defend our ideas and not to let them fade away under the pressure of opposition. Though, of course, you have to be careful; you have to be sure the idea you’re defending is a good one! Once you're sure of that, you have to be prepared to put all your energy into upholding your idea, day after day.
What advice would you give an architect entering a design competition?
Firstly, I would encourage any young architect to enter competitions. I myself got about 80% of my work through competitions. Even the new Palais de Justice, in Paris, was a competition. Nobody asks you to design buildings like that without a competition process first.
Secondly, forget tactics. One of the reasons why Richard and I won the competition for the Georges Pompidou Centre was because we never thought we could actually win, so we had zero strategy with regards to the jury. We were just focused on finding the right idea for that revolutionary period after May 68 (1). Don’t waste your time trying to conform to what you think the jury is looking for, or you'll never find true inspiration. Just concentrate on digging deep inside yourself, brainstorming with your colleagues, and looking for the right idea. Then, only then, you might win!
(1) May 68 marked a volatile period of civil unrest in France, during which many political leaders feared civil war or revolution
Interview by Emma Wilson
The UIA is a non-governmental organisation recognized by UNESCO as the only architectural union operating at an international level. The UIA offers its expertise as a consultant for international architecture competitions, the likes of which have resulted in The Sydney Opera House (1973), The Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris (1977), the Tokyo International Forum (1997), and the Alexandria Library in Egypt (2002).
It is open to any architect in the world.
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is pleased to begin accepting submissions for the 2017 Moriyama RAIC International Prize.
The Prize, which was established in 2014 by Canadian architect Raymond Moriyama along with the RAIC and the RAIC Foundation, consists of a monetary award of CAD $100,000 and a handcrafted sculpture designed by Canadian designer Wei Yew. The Prize celebrates a single work of architecture that is judged to be transformative within its societal context and reflects Moriyama’s conviction that great architecture transforms society by promoting social justice and humanistic values of respect and inclusiveness.
The Prize, awarded every two years, is open to all architects, irrespective of nationality and location. Any architect, team of architects, or architect-led collaboration is invited to submit a building or a related group of buildings that has been completed, occupied and in use for at least two years prior to the entry deadline. Candidates are limited to a single submission per award cycle.
The winner is selected in an open, juried competition. An international jury of experts will consider a range of criteria in the evaluation of submissions and intends to include site visits to shortlisted projects in the search for a work of architecture that is inspired as well as inspiring.
David Covo, FRAIC, Associate Professor of Architecture at McGill University, will act as the Professional Advisor to the jury.
The RAIC is also pleased to announce that the 2017 Moriyama RAIC International Prize winner will be invited to participate in the following edition’s jury, thus establishing a link between participants, winners and jurors.
All submissions are due by March 8, 2017. The winner of the 2017 Prize will be announced on September 19, 2017 at a gala event in Toronto at The Carlu, an historic event space in Toronto and one of the city’s best examples of Art Moderne architecture.
In addition to the main CAD $100,000 Prize, three students of Canadian schools of architecture will each receive scholarships of CAD $5,000. They will be chosen on the basis of a written essay.
For more information on the 2017 Moriyama RAIC International Prize and how to submit your application, please visit:
Link to Media Kit:
For access to the Media Kit, please contact Andrew Huff at
About the Moriyama RAIC International Prize
Raymond Moriyama, the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and the RAIC Foundation created the Moriyama RAIC International Prize in 2014 to raise the international stature of the RAIC and the Canadian architectural profession, and to encourage Canadian architects to aspire to international excellence.
To connect with the Moriyama RAIC International Prize on social media, visit:
About the RAIC
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is the leading voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada. Representing about 5,000 members, the RAIC advocates for excellence, works to demonstrate how design enhances the quality of life and promotes responsible architecture in addressing important issues of society.
To connect with the RAIC on social media, visit:
For Canada-based media inquiries, information about the scholarships, and the 2017 gala, please contact:
Maria Cook
613-241-3600 Ext. 213
For international media inquiries, please contact:
Andrew Huff
+1 212 202 3402