
Thank you for your continuous support for your Institute, PAM.

The subscription for 2023 will be due on 1st January 2024.

You could renew your membership by logging and pay through your online account, under the ‘Personal Cabinet’ heading and click ‘Renew’. Any changes in your personal details should be updated in your online account to ensure that the PAM membership database is up-to-date.

Alternatively, payment can be made by cheque/money order/postal order/bank draft made payable to Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia or bank transfer to our bank account, details as below (please email copy of bank transaction slip to for our record and tracking purpose):


Hong Leong Bank Berhad

Account no             

1860 100 9000

Account holder name

Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia

Please contact PAM Secretariat (Membership Department, 03-2202 2866) should you have any inquiries. We look forward to your active participation in the activities of the Institute.

Membership Fee Structure 2024

How can I be involved and what do I need to know?

  1. What is the structural organisation of PAM?

    The institute is made up of all its members, may it be Corporates, Graduates, Academics or Students. The PAM Council, with Council Members to be voted by other Corporate Members through an annual election, officially represents its members and the industry. The Council is led by the Office Bearers comprising the President, Deputy President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, whereby all of whom are Corporate Members themselves being nominated and voted for the positions. The institute also has PAM Chapters based in other states. Individually, all Council Members are to Chair their respective PAM Committees.
    Click here for PAM’s organisational chart.

  2. What are the roles of the PAM Committees?

    The Committees are to address matters pertaining to their respective focus, and to diversify and deliver the institute’s programmes for its members. Conservation and Heritage, Awards and Competitions, Education, Professional Practice, and International Affairs are some of the 17 Committees to name a few. All Committees are led by a Chair with a Co-Chair, and observe the election cycle.
    Click here to find out more about PAM Committees

  3. I have work commitment, can I become a Committee Member?

    Yes, absolutely! The Committees are run by Members. Any active PAM Member of any category may sign up for a Committee of their interest.

  4. What is expected of a Committee Member?

    Irrespective of category, every Committee Member is equal to one another, and to collectively contribute to the committee’s agenda/ programme. The smooth sailing of a committee heavily relies on teamwork, dedication and clear communication. Although there are no obligations imposed, Members should contribute to their capacity of knowledge, experiences, ideas, time and capability, and to duly provide these contributions, only if and as agreed by the said Member with his/her Committee. There is, however, a Committee meeting to be held once a month, conducted after office hours of a working day.

  5. Are there benefits from being a Committee Member?

    The benefits of becoming a Committee Member could not be quantified with the exception of CPD point/s. Nevertheless, working in a team with other Members of similar interests thus expands your network and exposure to the subject matter, or perhaps to enhance skills such as writing and event organising. You may also have the opportunity to share, expand and spearhead your ideas for a Committee’s project/programme such as a publication, conservation initiatives or even the need to review the Contract/ By-Law.

  6. Can I be involved with more than one Committee?

    Yes, you may sign up for more than a Committee of your interest should you have the extra time and capacity to contribute.

  7. How am I entitled to my CPD point/s as a Committee Member?

    You will get 1 CPD point if your attendance to the meeting exceeds 60% of the number of meeting in a term, or when you have contributed in any events or programmes organised by the Committee.

  8. How do I become a PAM Committee Member?

    Kindly visit PAM Website for the List of Committees, and drop an email on your interest to

  9. I am not based in Klang Valley, can I still take part in a PAM Committee?

    You may sign up to become a Committee in PAM Chapters.

  10. How does the PAM Council works?

    A meeting of members of the Council at which a quorum is present shall exercise all the authorities, powers and discretions by or under the Constitution of the Institute for the time being vested to the Council. All expenditure incurred shall have the approval of the Council. Council Meetings are held once a month. All Committees will prepare monthly reports and updates for the Council’s perusal.

  11. What is the PAM Council and their role in our industry?

    The PAM Council is the supreme body of the Institute and makes decisions on matters affecting the Institute and professional; and officially represents its member in the industry.

  12. Who are the Council Members?

    Council Members are elected Corporate Members through an annual election with a cycle starting on the fourth calendar month every year (the election is opened to PAM Corporate Members only). They are nominated based on their merits and manifesto for the institute.
    Click here to know who is in the current PAM Council.

  13. Are the Council Members being paid, or receive any form of remuneration for their role?

    No. Council Members are not paid for their elected positions in the institute as the responsibilities borne by them are a service provided back to the industry and the professional fraternity. The Council Member position is independent and not connected to their respective work commitments. However, a sum is allocated for the reimbursable of expenses (eg. travelling expenses) made while on tasks done solely for the purpose of the institute or Council matters.

  14. Who is Pusat Binaan Sdn. Bhd.(PBSB)?

    PBSB is the wholly-owned subsidiary company of PAM. PBSB was set up to be the business and entrepreneurial arm of PAM.

  15. Who are the PAM Secretariat?

    PAM Secretariat comprised of the individuals working at PAM Centre, executing daily administrative tasks for PAM. Each Committee has its own Project Executive or Officer and Administrative Assistant. PAM Secretariat employees are involved with the coordination and implementation of each Committee’s events and programmes.
    Click here to view the PAM Secretariat Organisation Chart.